Inverness Sheriff Court, within Inverness Castle.
A DRUGS courier bound for the Highlands who was caught ferrying a £16,000 heroin stash has been jailed for a year.
Inverness Sheriff Court heard Laura Beckwith made the drugs run from her home in Liverpool to clear gambling debts.
The 28-year-old from Liverpool admitted being concerned in the supply of heroin at the Ralia Cafe car park on the A9.
Sheriff Gordon Fleetwood heard the 579g drugs haul had a street value of between £14,000 and £16,000.
Solicitor Willie Young said Beckwith was a gambling addict and “her understanding was the debt she had would be repaid for this one trip.
“She had borrowed significant sums to fund her gambling addiction which she has had for a numbe…
Read the full article at: http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/News/16k-heroin-courier-jailed-after-A9-seizure-07072017.htm