Read the full article at: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/12/3-ways-to-evaluate-a-companys-debt-to-help-judge-the-risk-of-buying-its-stock.html
Here’s our Club Mailbag email [email protected] so you send your questions directly to Jim Cramer and his team of analysts. We can’t offer personal investing advice. We will only consider more general questions about the investment process or stocks in the portfolio or related industries. This week’s question: If I am evaluating a few companies in one industry. What is one good metric to compare their debt levels? Gail This is a great question, and there are a few metrics to consider. You are correct to think about debt levels versus peers in the industry but, be sure to take it a step further. Debt in a vacuum is useless. Instead, we need to think about leverage, meaning we have to consider the debt in relation to asse…
Read the full article at: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/12/3-ways-to-evaluate-a-companys-debt-to-help-judge-the-risk-of-buying-its-stock.html