Aaron Grech August 19th, 2020 – 1:07 PM

Many Tool fans are aware of the spoken word appearance by former Black Flag frontman Henry Rollins on the groups 1993 debut album Undertow, but some may not know that this moment was recorded on video. Producer Sylvia Massy recorded Rollins spoken word interlude from Bottom back in 1992, although the recording was not released publicly in 2016.
Thats actually a spoken word part I do there [in live performances of the song and Ive always done, Tool mastermind Maynard James Keenan reportedly stated in a 1993 interview. When we went into the studio, [Rollins] came down and he read that part, but he also wrote his own part to kind of paraphrase what Id said. His part s…
Read the full article at: https://music.mxdwn.com/2020/08/19/news/a-look-back-watch-henry-rollins-in-the-studio-with-tool-recording-spoken-word-part-for-bottom/