According to the State Department, 14 au pair agencies operate in the U.S. These private companies are required to offer the child care workers who contract with them basic health coverage. But the plans often amount to emergency or travel insurance not the kind of full coverage ACA health plans offer. Petri Oeschger/Getty Images hide caption
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Petri Oeschger/Getty Images
In 2016, Isis Mabel, of Mexico, was in her 20s and wanted to improve her English. On advice from an aunt, she enrolled with an au pair agency to come to the United States to live with a family and care for the children. The job typically pays about $200 a week on top of lodging and meals. Along with her application, the agen…
Read the full article at: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/09/20/1037348795/health-insurance-au-pair-affordable-care-act