Clements kicked off her legal career with Burke Melrose, (which merged with Anthony Harper in 2013); here, she concentrated on securities and retirement law. She then relocated to London, where she logged over a decade working with the banking and finance team at Carey Olsen in London and the Channel Islands. At Carey Olsen, she focused on fund finance and real estate finance before returning to New Zealand in 2022.
Anthony Harper managing partner Malcolm Hurley confirmed that Clements is presently working with clients in relation to the governments proposed amendments to the Retirement Villages Act.
Jolliffe works from Anthony Harpers Otautahi (Christchurch) office. She started her tenure with the firm as a summer clerk in 2004 and has …
Read the full article at: https://www.thelawyermag.com/nz/news/general/anthony-harper-promotes-new-partners/467031