Cade Lucas
Failed home builder Apex Homes received a $100,000 payment from a customer just days before a winding up order was lodged against it over unpaid debts.
The customer, who wanted to build in Geelong and wishes to remain anonymous, claims their financial advisor authorised the payment to Apex three weeks ago, after the company signed a statutory declaration that it was debt free.
They (Apex) advise that they didnt owe anyone any money and thats why finance released the money ($100,000) to them, the customer said.
Just days later, on February 15, Aerolink Pty Ltd lodged a winding up order against Apex over debts of $46,000.
On Wednesday the Victoria Supreme Court ordered the North Melbourne based builder with projects in Geelong…
Read the full article at: https://geelongindy.com.au/news/04-03-2024/apex-customers-count-the-cost/