published : 12 Jan 2023 at 05:00
newspaper section: News

Today, the Lower House will make a decision on whether to endorse a feasibility report that could see the legalisation of casinos — a policy that is hoped will bring in tax revenue and promote tourism.
Lawmakers have been toying with the idea of legalising casinos for over a decade, wanting to follow Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia, which use their casinos to attract foreign tourists. Thailand — a tourism country, has lost tourists to these countries because, according to Thai law, gambling is illegal, even though the kingdom permits betting on horse races, a lottery and cockfighting.
The feasibility report that lawmakers will deliberate on today, proposes that one or…
Read the full article at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/2480732/are-casinos-a-safe-bet-