Dear Amy: I just learned that my wifes spending is out of control.
Several years ago, she got into financial trouble with a credit card debt of around $6,000. She told me about it and I bailed her out.
Last week, she said it had happened again. I took a look at her credit card statement and saw she was owing on charges left over from Christmas and some vacation travel we had taken. I agreed to help her out again.
Then she admitted to me that she had another card and that she owes almost $10,000 on it, due to gambling.
This is very shocking. I didnt even know she gambled. She feels terrible. I could probably cover this, too, but I dont know if thats the right thing to do.
Dear Concerned: Your wife should get professio…
Read the full article at: https://www.oregonlive.com/advice/2024/03/ask-amy-husband-shocked-by-wifes-gambling-debt-should-i-bail-her-out.html