Twice as many businesses in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt in the third quarter of 2023 compared to last year, according to figures from the chamber of commerce (KvK).
The government agency said the figure was lower than the long-term average, but indicated that the recent decline in bankruptcies had come to an end.
It also said it was too early to tell if more companies were going out of business as a result of having to repay loans issued by the government during the coronavirus pandemic.
In September the tax office sent out demands to 91,000 people who had fallen behind on their pandemic repayments, including 43,000 who have not paid anything at all.
Companies were given five ye…
Read the full article at: https://www.dutchnews.nl/2023/10/bankruptcy-rate-doubles-in-q3-effect-of-corona-debts-unknown/