BedBathAndBeyond.com relaunched Tuesday, months after the company declared bankruptcy and shuttered all its brick and mortar stores, thanks to Overstock, which purchased the brand out of bankruptcy.
Key Facts
Overstock.com paid $21.5 million for Bed, Bath & Beyonds intellectual property and digital assets in June and is now adopting the Bed, Bath & Beyond brand as its own to create one online retailer.
As of Tuesday morning, Overstock.com redirects to BedBathAndBeyond.com.
Overstock CEO Jonathan Johnson told NBC News that the goal was to take Overstocks business model and combine it with the recognizable brand of Bed Bath & Beyond.
Johnson also told CNN over 60,000 products have been added to the site and up to $50…
Read the full article at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willskipworth/2023/08/01/bed-bath–beyond-returns-as-online-only-retailer-operated-by-overstock/