By Adwoa Difie Boakye-Mensah, Associate Adviser, Commonwealth Secretariat
As countries grapple with rising and unsustainable debt burdens, there has been a call for a new Global Financial Architecture (GFA) to support developing countries to access both concessional and private capital to effectively manage the mounting debt and climate vulnerabilities.
Realising the objectives of the new GFA is, however, increasingly dependent upon greater debt transparency. In this regard, there is a renewed and concerted effort by countries and development institutions, to work decisively to ensure transparency in public debt operations[RG1] .
The Commonwealth Secretariats flagship publication A Handbook for Public Debt Transparency is a key contribu…
Read the full article at: https://thecommonwealth.org/news/blog-handbook-public-debt-transparency-enhancing-public-debt-transparency-support-new-global