Commonwealth Meridian is a cutting-edge public debt management system, an indispensable tool for debt managers and policymakers. In this blog, the Commonwealths Debt Management Unit outlines how the new system is helping Eswatini to manage its public debt effectively.
Blog by Tesi Uwibambe, Programme Assistant, Debt Management Unit, Commonwealth Secretariat
Eswatini, like many other developing countries, is facing macroeconomic and debt pressures that often deplete budgetary resources and pull public officials away from service delivery, to crisis response.
Against this backdrop, Commonwealth Meridian, a new debt management software, has brought much-needed relief to Eswatinis public debt management efforts.
The new software, which rep…
Read the full article at: https://thecommonwealth.org/news/blog-transforming-eswatinis-debt-management-commonwealth-meridian