Brexit: UK banks could face £13bn restructuring bill after EU split – The Independent

The cost faced by UK banks of restructuring operations because of Brexit could be as high as 15bn (£13.1bn) and is likely to put a material strain on those institutions’ earnings over the coming years, according to a new study. Research commissioned by The Association for Financial Markets in Europe and conducted by Boston Consulting Group and Clifford…

BRIEF-Tayo Rolls to refer to NCLT for corporate insolvency resolution process – Reuters

Tayo Rolls Ltd * Decided to refer co to NCLT for corporate insolvency resolution process Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage: ‘); $(‘.second-article-divide’).append($(‘.slider.slider-module’)); $(‘.third-article-divide’).append(‘ Also In Bankruptcy News ‘); var median = (relatedItemsTotal / 2); var $relatedContentGroupOne = $(‘ ul’); var $relatedContentGroupTwo = $(‘ ul’); $.each($relatedItems, function(k,v) { if (k + 1 Also In…

Supreme Court Stays HC Debt Relief Order for Tamil Nadu Farmers – News18

“}var y=’”;$(“#main_score_strip_top”).html(y),set_score_slider_style()}else $(“#top_strip_cricket_widget”).html(“”),”undefined”!=typeof updateTopScoreWidgetNews18&&clearInterval(updateTopScoreWidgetNews18),console.log(“no live match in progress”)},error:function(e){console.log(“error in live score widget”),$(“#top_strip_cricket_widget”).html(“”)}})} function get_live_team_scores(e,s,i){var e=get_ipl_teams_short(e),t=s,i=i,a=””,r=a+e.toLowerCase()+”.png”,n=’‘,c=t.length;if(c>0){for(var o=1,v=””,l=0;c>l;l++){var m=t[l].scores,p=t[l].wickets,f=t[l].overs,g=t[l].active;if(1==g)var d=”“,_=”“;else d=””,_=””;if(2==o)var b=” & “;… Read the full article at:

Millions rorted from government R&D scheme – The Age

Millions of dollars have been rorted from a federal government scheme introduced to encourage Australian companies to invest in research and development, including claims from bankrupts, a property spruiker and a disgraced businessman. The Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive program is the government’s largest industry innovation package, providing about $3 billion in tax offsets to businesses each year.…

A Hard Brexit could cost banks 15 billion and execs are lobbying for EU access – Business Insider

LONDON Restructuring operations around a hard Brexit could cost UK banks 15 billion (£13.1 billion) and add 40 billion (£35 billion) to tier one capital requirements, according to a new report. A report for the Association of Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), compiled by the Boston Consulting Group and Clifford Chance, suggests that Britains exit…