Conditions precedent from the resolutions of the creditors’ meetings on the restructuring of the Corestate bonds have occurred –

Conditions precedent from the resolutions of the creditors’ meetings on the restructuring of the Corestate bonds have occurred Luxembourg, January 04, 2023 Corestate Capital Holding S.A. (the “Issuer”) hereby announces that the conditions precedent (as defined in Clause 1 (ii) of the additional proposal for resolution for the convertible bond 2022 and in Clause 1…

Here are some strategies that can help you dig out of holiday debt – CNBC

While some Americans are still recovering from holiday festivities, many others may have lingering effects of spending regrets. Overall U.S. retail sales increased 7.6% year-over-year between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24, according to thelatest Mastercard SpendingPulse survey. For many consumers, the amount of debt they took on to pay for holiday purchases grew as well.…

Post-restructuring Garuda sets out bullish plans for the new year – Flightglobal

Garuda Indonesia plans to maximise business performance momentum following its exit from restructuring, tapping into opportunities in the cargo and religious pilgrimage markets. The airline, which completed restructuring at the end of 2022, is also targeting to operate 66 aircraft this year, in addition to another six aircraft it already owns. It is a slight…