Small business restructuring in Australia: Two years on, is the new process working as intended? – Norton Rose Fulbright

From 1 January 2021, Australias insolvency framework for small businesses changed. The purpose of the change was to assist small businesses, with debts under AUD $1 million, to survive specifically, by providing these businesses with simpler, more flexible restructuring options outside the existing one size fits all voluntary administration and scheme of arrangement processes available…

Snowball or avalanche? How to pay back those stubborn debts – Sydney Morning Herald

Normal text sizeLarger text sizeVery large text size Millions of Australians with substantial debt hangovers have been scrambling to start the year with better financial habits and pay off their debt. But changing habits is hard. Setting realistic targets and getting more creative about budgeting means youre more likely to make those money-saving resolutions stick…