Australia: An Introduction to Restructuring/Insolvency – White & Case LLP

Australia has not been immune to the economic impacts of global financial and geopolitical events. The recent global economic downturn has brought about a heightened focus on financial stability and risk management in Australian businesses. Sponsors and financiers alike are now navigating a complex economic terrain marked by: volatile markets; supply chain disruptions; asset re-valuations;…

Small Business Restructuring Specialists – William Buck

What is the Small Business Restructuring process? Australias Small Business Restructuring (SBR) process is a formal insolvency process introduced by the Federal Government in 2021 to give small businesses the opportunity to restructure their debts while directors remain in control of the business, under the supervision of a restructuring practitioner. The SBR process involves a…

White & Case-Led Ukraine Seeks Debt Relief By Aug. Deadline – Law360

By Najiyya Budaly (June 17, 2024, 3:21 PM BST) — The Ukraine government, advised by White & Case LLP, appealed on Monday to bondholders to help restructure its $19.5 billion of eurobond debt before a payments freeze it agreed with international creditors expires on Aug. 1…. Read the full article at:

Press Briefing on Sri Lanka's 2024 Article IV Consultation and the Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility – International Monetary Fund

June 14, 2024 PARTICIPANTS: Moderator: HUONG LAN PINKY VU Communications Officer Speakers: PETER BREUER Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka KATSIARYNA SVIRYDZENKA Deputy Mission Chief for Sri Lanka SARWAT JAHAN Resident Representative in Sri Lanka * * * * * T R A N S C R I P T MS. VU: Good morning, everyone.…

Reforms of Small Business Insolvency in Australia and India | ANU College of Law – ANU College of Law

On the 24 September 2020, the Australian Government announced changes to Australias insolvency framework to better serve Australian small businesses, their creditors and their employees. The changes introduced new processes suitable for small businesses, reducing complexity, time and costs for small businesses. Effective from 1 January 2021, these are the most significant reforms to Australias…