Effective leadership is crucial to an organizations success. Yet, the ways businesses manage leadership development (LD) vary widely, encompassing in-house training, third-party external support, formal education qualificationseven the old-fashioned sink or swim approach. LHH, a talent solutions provider, wanted to take the pulse of the future of leadership development. The company polled 1,502 C-level executives in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia on their LD challenges. They uncovered five challenges that the companies currently face.
Five LD Challenges Executives Are Facing
- Responding to Change. According to the report, it is unsurprising that in an increasingly globalized and often turbulent economy, change is a major the…
Read the full article at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryanrobinson/2023/11/07/5-challenges-to-leadership-development-and-how-to-overcome-them/