Whether youve been left with a debt hangover after the holidays or are still struggling to pay off the debt load youve acquired over the years, make 2016 the year you free yourself of the burden of credit card debt and loans. The new year is the perfect time to put together a debt payoff plan and restructure your budget. You can downsize that mountain of debt even faster with a few adjustments to your spending habits and tweaks to your budget.
Here are six easy tricks to pay off debt in 2016:
1. Double your minimum payments. Give yourself a chance to get out of debt fast by paying at least double the minimum payment due on every card or personal loan your budget will allow. This will help to prevent extra interest charges…
Read the full article at: http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/my-money/articles/2016-01-06/6-tricks-to-pay-off-debt-in-2016