Everything is more expensive these days. That – along with higher student loans and credit card debt has more people turning to debt relief services. But often people who get help are left financially worse off.
Question: Do debt relief services work? Are they even legit?
Debt relief or credit repair companies promise to negotiate lower payments or even help wipe out your debt completely but you have to be careful about how you go about this.
The Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker shows 11,000 complaints related to debt relief companies with people losing $2.4 million since 2020. There are a few things to consider when shopping around for help.
Watch out for the promise of a quick fix
The BBBs Leah Napoliello warns to watch out for comp…
Read the full article at: https://www.click2houston.com/consumer/2023/09/27/ask-amy-do-debt-relief-services-work/