If you are working to repair your credit or getting out of debt, the Better Business Bureau warns there are many pitfalls to watch out for. What is the difference between credit counseling, debt relief, debt consolidation and credit repair? All are options, but a BBB investigator says some are better than others.
Debt relief or settlement companies provide help by renegotiating the debt so that the person wont owe as much, while debt consolidation companies offer loans to pay off debts all at once. Don OBrien tells The Big Z whatever you do, dont pay any fees upfront.
He says credit counseling is the most comprehensive solution, focusing on a variety of resources t…
Read the full article at: https://www.advantagenews.com/news/local/bbb-offers-cautions-about-credit-repair-debt-relief/article_f28146e6-5262-11ee-aab3-77b07386611f.html