June 28, 2023
Best Lawyers and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in France 2024 have recognized 17 Gibson Dunn attorneys, and 15 Gibson Dunn attorneys have been recognized as leading lawyers in their respective practice areas.
The partners highlighted, with their respective practice areas, include: Ahmed Baladi Information Technology Law, Intellectual Property Law, Outsourcing, Privacy and Data Security Law, Technology Law, and Telecommunications Law; Amanda Bevan-de Bernde Banking and Finance Law, Insolvency and Reorganization, and Investment; Clarisse Bouchetembl Mergers and Acquisitions Law; Eric Bouffard International Arbitration, and Litigation; Bertrand Delaunay Corporate Law, Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Mergers and Acquisiti…
Read the full article at: https://www.gibsondunn.com/best-lawyers-in-france-2024-recognizes-17-gibson-dunn-attorneys/