Insolvency: valuing asset-less aggregator is a challenge – The Hindu

Sanjay Vijayakumar CHENNAI, September 23, 2017 20:47 IST Updated: September 23, 2017 20:47 IST “; var device = “”; for ( var type in WFClientTypeDef) { if (window.matchMedia(WFClientTypeDef[type]).matches) { switch (type) { case “xlarge”: device = ‘desktop’; break; case “large”: device = ‘desktop’; break; case “medium”: device = ‘tab’; break; case “small”: device = ‘mobile’;…

SBI barred from selling assets of guarantor – The Hindu

TAMIL NADU Sanjay Vijayakumar CHENNAI, September 22, 2017 00:00 IST Updated: September 22, 2017 05:00 IST “; var device = “”; for ( var type in WFClientTypeDef) { if (window.matchMedia(WFClientTypeDef[type]).matches) { switch (type) { case “xlarge”: device = ‘desktop’; break; case “large”: device = ‘desktop’; break; case “medium”: device = ‘tab’; break; case “small”: device…

Toys ‘R’ Us collapse leaves Moose Toys out of pocket: Protecting your business when a distributor falls over –

The bankruptcy of US retail giant Toys R Us will have flow-on impacts to one of Australias biggest toy brands, with one insolvency expert calling on small businesses to do everything they can to protect themselves against the collapse of distributors. The US arm of Toys R Us filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on…

Toys ‘R’ Us collapse leaves Moose Toys out of pocket: Protecting your business when a distributor falls over –

The bankruptcy of US retail giant Toys R Us will have flow-on impacts to one of Australias biggest toy brands, with one insolvency expert calling on small businesses to do everything they can to protect themselves against the collapse of distributors. The US arm of Toys R Us filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on…

Insolvency Proceedings Against Personal Guarantors Under The Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code Missed … – Live Law

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (the, Code) is a crucial legislation passed by the Parliament which has the potential to be a game changer in the insolvency and bankruptcy regime in India. Since the Code is in its nascent stage, it is of paramount importance that interpretational issues are settled at the earliest in order…