Bank-friendly insolvency regime challenged by new laws – The Sydney Morning Herald

Australia’s corporate insolvency laws are among the most favourable to banks in the world, but this mantle could be threatened by looming changes to wrestle power away from lenders. The federal government is expected to soon publish legislation it hopes will “reduce the stigma associated with business failure”, and one aspect of this will be an overhaul…

Cross-Border Co-operation in Group Insolvency Proceedings- Myth or Reality? – The National Law Review

Thursday, May 25, 2017 As 26 June 2017 approaches the date of entry into effect of the Recast EU Insolvency Regulation (2015/8484/EU) we  look in detail at the new provisions for co-ordinating the insolvency proceedings of members of a pan-European group of companies and consider whether the new proposals for co-operation will be compulsory, the practicalities of…

Practice and trends in restructuring and insolvency law – International Law Office (registration)

Introduction Courts’ jurisdiction Potential for reform Introduction Jersey has a familiar range of legal processes and remedies for the restructuring and insolvency of corporations. The principal provisions are contained in the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 and the Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Jersey) Law 1990. These have been consistently applied and developed by the Royal Court. While certain…