The end is nigh – Hanjin Shipping expected to be declared bankrupt on 17 Feb – Seatrade Maritime News

Hanjin Shipping is expected to be finally declared bankrupt on 17 February a Seoul court said today. The Seoul bankruptcy court decided to end Hanjins receivership process on 2 February setting a date of 17 February for the company to be declared bankrupt following appeals. The court found that Hanjins liquidation value would be higher…

Italy’s Bank Monte bailout offers object lesson in the need for transparency – South China Morning Post

Predicting the form and substance of mainland Chinese bank failures has become a cottage conspiracy industry among research analysts and hedge funds. A more enlightening exercise is observing how other current government authorities and bank leadership have succeeded or failed, or have been swamped by indecisiveness and serial mediocre decisions in the face of default.…

Marcs, David Lawrence in voluntary administration – The Australian Financial Review

Marcs, David Lawrence in voluntary administration High-profile Australian fashion labels Marcs and David Lawrence have collapsed under debts of close to $30 million, including close to $3 million in worker entitlements and a $700,000 debt to the tax office. The  appointment of voluntary administrators to two of the country’s best-known fashion brands leaves close to 1200 workers facing the the loss…