Chinese State-Owned Shipping Company Declared Bankrupt – Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

A major Chinese state-owned container shipping company has been declared bankrupt after it struggled to repay debts of 8.45 billion yuan ($1.25 billion). The Hangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court in Zhejiang province granted Zhejiang Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd.s application to liquidate, according to a court document viewed by Caixin. Zhejiang Communications Investment Group Co. Ltd., the…

‘Modernised’ English insolvency rules will come into force in April –

The new rules restructure the 1986 version of the insolvency rules, introduce gender-neutral drafting and incorporate the 28 sets of amendments made since the rules came into force. They also take into account changes made to insolvency procedures by the 2015 Deregulation Act and Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act, particularly around the use of…

Children’s Bookshop goes into liquidation – The Press

CHARLIE GATES JOSEPH JOHNSON/FAIRFAX NZ Then office manager Mary Sangster, left, and former owner Sheila Sinclair in 2012. CARYS MONTEATH/FAIRFAX NZ The Children’s Bookshop employee Liz McCracken fills shelves after the move to Riccarton in 2011. Relevant offers The Original Children’s Bookshop has gone into liquidation after nearly 37 years of trading in Christchurch. The…

Family First senator Bob Day confirms he’ll be back in the Senate – The Age

Family First senator Bob Day has confirmed he will return to the Senate next month to support the government on industrial relations and the same-sex marriage plebiscite, despite announcing his resignation. With his housing construction empire in liquidation, Senator Day faces being expelled from Parliament if he is declared bankrupt, and last week announced he…

Family First senator Bob Day confirms he’ll be back in the Senate – The Sydney Morning Herald

Family First senator Bob Day has confirmed he will return to the Senate next month to support the government on industrial relations and the same-sex marriage plebiscite, despite announcing his resignation. With his housing construction empire in liquidation, Senator Day faces being expelled from Parliament if he is declared bankrupt, and last week announced he…

Azalina: Bankruptcy law changes to reduce debtors’ burden – Free Malaysia Today

Putrajaya wants to enforce automatic discharge after three years and raise threshold for declaring a person bankrupt from RM30,000 to RM50,000. PETALING JAYA: Proposed amendments to the Bankruptcy Act 1967 will see an automatic discharge after three years for anyone declared a bankrupt, TheSun reported today. This is one of the major changes that could…

Personal insolvency in regional Australia remains steady –

Debtor cases fell across half the country’s regional areas. Despite significant rises earlier in the year, personal and business-related insolvencies in regional areas remained stable during the September quarter. The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) has released regional personal insolvency statistics for the September quarter 2016. Personal insolvency cases fell across half of the country’s…