No Electricity and Bouncing Paychecks: What It Was Like to Work for Trump Magazine – AlterNet

Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the South Point Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. February 22, 2016Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr CC In an extensive tell-all written for Politico, a former employee for Trump Magazine documents a cash-strapped and dysfunctional company where paychecks bounced, the power was shut off due to unpaid…

No electricity and bouncing paychecks: What it was like to work for … – Raw Story

In an extensive tell-all written for Politico, a former employee for Trump Magazine documents a cash-strapped and dysfunctional company where paychecks bounced, the power was shut off due to unpaid bills and important health insurance was cancelled after a cancer diagnosis. One might call it a preview of Trumps America. According to Carey Purcell, she…

‘Hopelessly Insolvent’ Obama-Backed Solar Company On Verge Of Extinction – Daily Caller

5176357 Solar company SunEdison is on the verge of complete collapse, as the company was forced to stiff shareholders as its debts outweigh assets by at least $1 billion. The company is hopelessly insolvent, Judge Stuart Bernstein said in a Thursday decision announcing SunEdisons shareholders wont get an official voice in the bankruptcy. The judges…

Judge says ‘Blind Freddy’ could see Kleenmaid was insolvent – Chinchilla News

THE judge sentencing former Kleenmaid director Bradley Wendell Young says “Blind Freddy could see this company was insolvent”. “I had no difficulty whatsoever concluding your client was, at all relevant times, aware of the true financial position,” Judge Brad Farr said. “To suggest otherwise flies in the face of the evidence.” Young, 49, was found…

ATO and ASIC raid 13 properties linked to pre-insolvency firms allegedly encouraging phoenix activity –

The Australian Tax Office and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission have conducted raids on 13 businesses and residences across the country in a bid to crack down on pre-insolvency firms that advise clients on how to avoid tax. Some 120 ATO officers teamed up with their ASIC counterparts on Thursday to collect documents and…

Potential liability of chartered accountants for delaying insolvency proceedings – International Law Office (registration)

Chartered accountants’ obligation to comment on overindebtedness Liability of chartered accountants Comment Chartered accountants entrusted to draw up financial statements must also examine the company’s status of overindebtedness in terms of insolvency law if its accounts show that it is overloaded with debt. However, in practice, this task is often neglected, as the fact…