Urals arbitration court rejects claim to bankrupt major Russian armour producer – IHS Jane’s 360

A Russian arbitration court in Kurgan in the south Urals has ruled that there are no legal grounds for having Kurganmashzavod, Russia’s sole producer of infantry fighting vehicles, declared bankrupt. Kurganmashzavod is a subsidiary of Russia’s Tractor Plants Group. “The court has taken into account the law on bankruptcy that establishes a special procedure for…

Roger Corman: How I Made 400 Films, Mentored Coppola and Ended Up Fighting in Court for My Fortune – Hollywood Reporter

The godfather of independent film, and mentor to legions of greats from Francis Ford Coppola to James Cameron, alleges he’s owed $170 million in litigation against a financial planner who claims he’s “not the black [Bernie] Madoff.” This story first appeared in the March 4 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. To receive the magazine,…