Christians Should Vote for Good Governance over Good Theology – Cato Institute (blog)

Politicians pander. Its what they do. But Christians seem especially susceptible to those claiming to be their spiritual brethren. It would be better if people of faith focused on candidates practical ability to perform the duties of what remains a secular office. With the Iowa caucuses drawing near, it seems like every Republican tramping through…

KVV Liepajas Metalurgs rejects reproaches of Soviet-style approach to business – The Baltic Course

KVV Liepajas Metalurgs metallurgical company has rejected as untrue the critical remarks by Latvian Economics Minister Dana Reizniece-Ozola (Greens/Farmers), who said that the business approach of the company’s owners was styled after Soviet rather than EU traditions, reports LETA. The steel company said in a press release that its management in 2015 had indeed repeatedly…

Record Labels Accuse MP3Tunes Founder Michael Robertson of Separating From Wife to Hide Assets – Billboard

Nearly two years ago, in one of the most complex copyright lawsuits of all time, MP3Tunes founder Michael Robertson was found liable at trial for infringing the works of Capitol Records, EMI and other record labels and music publishers. After some modifications by the judge, Robertson was ordered to fork over some $15.8 million. The…

Record Labels Accuse MP3Tunes Founder of Separating from Wife to Hide Assets – Billboard

Michael Robertson is facing a $15.8 million judgment for infringing song copyrights. Nearly two years ago, in one of the most complex copyright lawsuits of all time, MP3Tunes founder Michael Robertson was found liable at trial for infringing the works of Capitol Records, EMI and other record labels and music publishers. After some modifications by the judge,…