Wellington City Council makes roofer bankrupt after leaky home debt dispute – Stuff.co.nz

Google Street View Roofer Robert J Thomas was declared bankrupt following a leaky homes dispute with Wellington City Council in relation to apartment blocks at 93A Kelburn Parade. Wellington City Council has forced a roofer into bankruptcy as the leaky building fiasco continues and it is chasing other tradies. On Tuesday, Robert J Thomas was…

Wellington City Council makes roofer bankrupt after leaky home debt dispute – Stuff.co.nz

Google Street View Roofer Robert J Thomas was declared bankrupt following a leaky homes dispute with Wellington City Council in relation to apartment blocks at 93A Kelburn Parade. Wellington City Council has forced a roofer into bankruptcy as the leaky building fiasco continues and it is chasing other tradies. On Tuesday, Robert J Thomas was…

Romania’s Government could postpone personal insolvency law implementation – Romania-Insider.com

Romanias Government considers postponing the personal insolvency laws implementation. The Justice Ministry has come up with the proposal, following a request of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM). Romanias justice system doesnt have the necessary staff and lacks the time to hire specialists until the end of the year, according to CSM, reports…