A local program which helps people get out of debt and improve budgeting is calling for more participants.
Five Cessnock churches – New Vine Vineyards Church, the Salvation Army Church, The Vines Community Church, Cessnock Congregational Church and Beyond Church – have combined to offer the money programs through the charity Christians Against Poverty.
They have been running a debt counselling program and a budgeting course for a bit over a year and helped 11 clients work through their debt and dozens more improve their money planning.
The debt initiative works by the providing financial information to reducedebt while maintaining a budget.
Centre manager for the Cessnock program, Wayne Cooke of New Vine Vineyards Church, said the program al…
Read the full article at: https://www.cessnockadvertiser.com.au/story/5943712/cessnock-program-helps-improve-debt-and-budget/