A black wrecking ball, with the word DEBT written on it, on top of a floor that it has obviously broken upon landing
Getty Images
When your credit card bills are piling up and youve got little hope of ever paying them down, the option that comes with the most risk can feel like the only choice.
Thats often the case for those thinking about debt settlement, where a company provides debt relief by negotiating with your creditors to accept lower payments. Choosing this option can come with pitfalls and should be a last resort if you need help dealing with overwhelming credit card bills, financial experts say. Doing due diligence can help you determine whether its the right c…
Read the full article at: http://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/nation-now/debt-settlement-plan-5-questions-to-ask-before-resorting-to-this-option-to-pay-off-bills/465-a38355e1-e5c1-44c9-8d80-0c4a7d6f9c35