Dwindling funds had forced a fledgling medical device company to adopt a wholesale approach. When I first sat down with them, I quickly realized that they needed a shift in sales strategy. If they were going to stay afloat in a sea of overwhelming competition, they needed to shift their attention away from small accounts to large accounts.
The problem? This companys sales team was built for small accounts, where the sale was transactional. Now, the sales were getting more complex with more stakeholders. They needed a major shift in sales strategies and a restructure of their sales team.
Thankfully, management accurately identified the brutal facts of the business conditions they were facing. They rolled up their sleeves to do the hard w…
Read the full article at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/06/18/how-to-fix-disappointing-sales-results-through-restructuring/