Q: My husband and I recently divorced. Im having a hard time adjusting to the single life. When we were together, we had more money coming in, but now Im renting a one-bedroom apartment, which costs me $1600, not including my hydro and internet. Ive also got car expenses and my cellphone bill. I only make $45,000 a year. Needless to say, its been hard to adjust to all these expenses and Ive racked up about $4,000 in credit card debt. I make the minimum payments to keep a decent credit score, but I dont think Ill ever be debt free at this rate. What do I do?
A: It can be a challenge adjusting to a single income, post-divorce because suddenly you become responsible for the entirety of your living expenses. Youre not alone, however.
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Read the full article at: https://www.moneysense.ca/save/debt/how-to-get-out-of-debt-single-income-divorce/