Did you rack up credit card debt over the festive season? The sooner you tackle it, the quicker youll be back in the black. Which? shares our top tips of taking control of your finances in 2019.
Three in five Brits with debt wait two-and-a-half years before confronting their problem, while almost half would wait more than three years before reaching out for professional advice, according to a survey carried out by Creditfix, a personal insolvency practice.
But ignoring a debt will only make the problem grow. With a new year set to begin, Which? explains how to clear your credit card debt in 2019.
Find out where you stand
It can be tough to face up to the reality of your situation, but you should start by working out exactl…
Read the full article at: https://www.which.co.uk/news/2018/12/how-to-pay-off-christmas-credit-card-debt/