A 20-year-old youth from Warangal district of Telangana lost Rs 46,000 in a single session on an online betting game early on Saturday. According to reports, distressed on losing the amount, the victim a second-year ITI student from Narsampet commited suicide. The victim used his mothers phone to place bets in the online game as it was linked to her bank account.
In another similar incident from the neighbouring Andhra, a student spent two lakh fifty thousand rupees meant for college fees on online gambling. The young girl ended life after parents scolding her for losing the money.
These two are among the many incidents involving youth and real money games in recent times from the Telugu states where all kinds of gaming for stakes are b…
Read the full article at: https://g2g.news/gaming/increasing-gambling-related-incidents-highlight-the-need-for-medical-attention/