NBC Connecticut Troubleshooters caught up with officials from the IRS to find out more about their new debt collection program and how they’re going to protect taxpayers from getting scammed.
The collection program came about because a law called the FAST Act passed in 2015 requiring the Internal Revenue Service to use private debt collectors to go after tax money on older accounts. The money would help pay the FAST Acts $305 billion price tag to fund transportation and infrastructure.
Senator Richard Blumenthal voted for the bill, however, he has concerns about the IRS collection provision.
This provision was not considered separately it came out of the Finance Committee as part of the overall bill that provided billions of dollars to Con…
Read the full article at: http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/troubleshooters/IRS-Debt-Collection-Program-May-Lead-to-Confusion-Help-Scammers-413665623.html