Lotus Dining Group Pty Ltd is a dormant holding company which doesn’t trade or operate any restaurant and its voluntarily liquidation did not impact on the operation and trading of Lotus restaurants.
Lotus temporarily closed all but its Barangaroo restaurant in March due to lockdown laws imposed at the height of the pandemic.
“It is no secret that the hospitality group has taken a massive blow from the outbreak of the coronavirus, the group said on its Instagram account in March.
Chinese restaurants have been hit especially hard since the outbreak started three months ago. As with the rest of the industry, we have been devastated by the unprecedented drop in patronage.”
According to ASIC information, Saffron Felix Joop Investments, whi…
Read the full article at: https://www.afr.com/companies/retail/lotus-dining-still-trading-after-group-restructure-20210121-p56vx4