Hale and Hearty, the bankrupt chain of counter-service soup and salad restaurants, is back in business. The company, started in 1990 by Jonathan Schnipper an owner of the Schnippers burger chain and a partner in George Motzs Hamburger America will mount a comeback under new owners, who purchased the rights to the business and its recipes for $770,000, court documents show.
Hearty Acquisitions, a company that operates under the umbrella of kosher caterer Mauzone Food Service, closed the deal on the acquisition earlier this month, half a year after Hale and Hearty declared bankruptcy amid lawsuits from landlords and food suppliers alleging hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills.
Under Mauzone, the counter-service chain will ope…
Read the full article at: https://ny.eater.com/2023/4/26/23695955/hale-and-hearty-soups-chain-bankrupt-new-york-city-reopens