A record number of people in the UK are heading into the winter with energy debts as they borrow to pay bills, Citizens Advice has said, as it urged the government to step in with fresh support for gas and electricity bills.
The charity says 2023 has been its busiest year, with the number of people struggling with debts and the amount of money they owe at record levels and rising. It has suggested the government considers offering more support this winter.
More than 46,400 people asked Citizens Advice for support in the first six months of this year, marking a 17% rise compared with the same period last year.
On average, those contacting the charity had about 1,711 worth of unpaid energy bills, with analysis showing disabled people and fami…
Read the full article at: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/aug/24/record-number-of-britons-heading-into-winter-with-energy-debt-says-citizens-advice