A Toys
“R” Us store is seen, in Hayes
LONDON (Reuters) – Toys R Us UK is to seek creditor approval for
a restructuring plan involving closing at least 26 of its 105
stores in Britain in 2018, it said on Monday.
The British arm of Toys R Us Inc of the United States which filed
for bankruptcy in September, said it had submitted a Company
Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) plan to its creditors and would seek
their approval in the next 17 days.
Toys R Us UK said that if approved by the creditors the CVA plan
would substantially reduce its rental obligations and allow the
business to move to a new, viable b…
Read the full article at: http://uk.businessinsider.com/r-toys-r-us-uk-to-close-stores-in-restructuring-2017-12