I have three primary school-aged children. My husband works full-time, I work casually, and weve just finished paying off all our credit card debt. Its a relief to have a clean slate for the first time. However, Im nervous this wont last long and well end up in debt again soon. I want to start saving more so we can save up for a home deposit, but we struggle to save. We dont have much left over at the end of the month and any extra money goes into activities for the kids. How can we stay out of debt and start making positive momentum towards our savings goals?
Theres a practical component to this problem and a be…
Read the full article at: https://www.smh.com.au/money/saving/we-just-paid-off-our-credit-card-how-do-we-avoid-getting-into-debt-again-20230516-p5d8od.html