When did you last check the balance of your student loan? Well, with the Turnbull government working to move university fee reforms through the Senate, it could be actually worth taking a look.
Changes to already pass the House of Representatives on Wednesday night include lower repayment thresholds on HECS-HELP loans, higher student fees and funding cuts across 2018 and 2019, AAP reports.
While its currently unclear if Labor or the Greens will stop or stall these changes (they certainly dont endorse them), it could be saving the government a massive $2.8b.
HECS-HELP debt averaged to $20,700 per student in the last financial year, and a current national student debt bill of $50 billion, it does make you won…
Read the full article at: https://www.hit.com.au/news/national/what-to-do-if-your-student-help-debt-is-stressing-you-out