2020 is over. Let us never speak of it again. Technically, the new decade begins in three days with 2021. The least that can be said is that 2021 doesnt have a hard act to follow. Short of a nuclear alien invasion war, it cant be any worse than 2020. Or so we hope. Though an alien invasion would, admittedly, probably be way more fun than continued lockdowns.
In short, heres what happened in 2020 to the global gaming industry. Las Vegas and US casinos took a sledgehammer to the knees but got through the year with taxpayer bailouts and issuing a whole bunch of shares at incredibly inflated prices thanks to stock market rescues. Macau got shut down, and remains shut down, but is casinos got through the year by issuing way more debt. The Un…
Read the full article at: https://calvinayre.com/2020/12/29/business/where-to-invest-in-gambling-in-2021/