Jozsef Soos/iStock Editorial via Getty Images
For dedicated freighter airlines, the past three years have been extremely good times. Because belly freight capacity was virtually eliminated overnight in March 2020 when large parts of the world went into lockdown, the unit revenues for airfreight increased significantly. One of the airlines that is now insolvent is CargoLogicAir, a Boeing (NYSE:BA) customer with a very troubled order with Boeing. In this report, I will have a look at why CargoLogicAir collapsed and explain that the collapse has little to no consequences for Boeing.
Good Times To Be A Freighter Airline

East-West Air Freight Index (Drewry)
As mentioned earlier, the past three years have been extremely good times f…
Read the full article at: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4560758-boeing-customer-goes-bankrupt