Breakfast will be served and beds made as usual this weekend for residents booked into a Dublin city centre hotel that has gone bust but will continue to trade under the aegis of the insolvent companys landlord.
Barrister Rossa Fanning gave Ms Justice Marie Baker in the High Court an undertaking that any pre-paid bookings at the Dublin Citi Hotel and Trinity Bar and night club in Dame Street would be honoured and business continued as usual.
Mr Fanning, who appeared with Galway solicitors McSweeney and Co for the landlord, said that while the courts refusal to confirm the appointment of an examiner to JJ Red Holdings Limited meant automatic liquidation of the hotel company, the landlord Henciti Ltd pla…
Read the full article at: http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/bookings-to-be-honoured-this-weekend-at-liquidated-dublin-hotel-35054266.html