‘I believe in the British legal system’: Boris Becker says he will clear his name amid allegations he hid more than 1 million during bankruptcy proceedings
- Boris Becker is accused of failing to hand over trophies so they could be sold
- Trophies listed on 28-count indictment include 1985 Wimbledon men’s title
- Mr Becker says he ‘believes in the British legal system and its representatives’

Pictured: Boris Becker departs Southwark Crown Court after attending an insolvency hearing
Boris Becker says he will clear his name amid allegations he hid more than 1 million in cash along with Wimbledon trophies a…
Read the full article at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8878673/Boris-Becker-says-clear-amid-allegations-hid-1-million.html