Stephen Hundy from Worrells, Canberra.
So far, Ive focused on celebrating businesses in this series, as their owners are truly bucking the trends. But what if your business is not only not bucking the trends, but even sliding down a slippery slide to oblivion and financial ruin. What if you are so far from bucking the trends that you are desperate? What are your options? Ive found a man who knows the answers.
Lets take a birds eye view of the financial landscape through the lens of a specialist and expert in the insolvency business, Stephen Hundy from Worrells, Canberra.
Stephen has been in the insolvency industry for over 20 years. On completing his commerce degree through the ANU, he was immediately given the opportunity to work…
Read the full article at: https://the-riotact.com/bucking-the-trends-in-business-worrells/208141