BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING REVIEWVOL. 22 NO. 5 SEPTEMBEROCTOBER 20231IN THIS ISSUE1 Courts Broad Interpretation of Definition of Securities Contracts Promotes Expansive Scope of Bankruptcy Code Safe Harbor2 Lawyer Spotlight: Kathryn Sutherland-Smith6 Texas Bankruptcy Court Blesses Serta Chapter 11 Plan Over Objections of Lenders Excluded from Position Enhancement Transaction9 Circuit Split Widens on Extent of Abrogation of Sovereign Immunity for Governmental Units in Bankruptcy Avoidance Litigation13 Sixth Circuit: Equitable Mootness Does Not Bar an Appeal in a Chapter 7 Case16 Ninth Circuit: Standard for Constitutional Standing Applies to Bankruptcy Appeals20 Seventh Circuit: No Avoidance of Preferential or Fraudulent Transfer Absent Dimin…
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