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BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING REVIEWVOL. 23 NO. 1 JANUARYFEBRUARY 20241IN THIS ISSUE1 The Year In Bankruptcy: 20232 Lawyer Spotlight: Dan T. Moss7 Second Circuit Adopts Transfer-by-Transfer Approach to Bankruptcy Codes Safe Harbor for Securities Contracts Payments12 Chapter 15 Filing as a Litigation Tactic Not Bad Faith Justifying Automatic Stay Relief16 New York Bankruptcy Court: Setoff and Unjust Enrichment Cannot Be Asserted as Affirmative Defenses in Bankruptcy Avoidance Litigation20 Delaware Bankruptcy Court Imputes Officers Fraudulent Intent to Corporation in Avoidance Litigation23 Second Circuit: Bankruptcy Courts Have Inherent Authority to Impose Civil Contempt Sanctions31 Newswor…
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