Walters: Listed as an inmate at a minimum security prison camp in Pensacola, Fla. Photo credit: Bloomberg
Billy Walters, mega car dealer and one of the most successful sports bettors in the U.S., is now in federal prison.
A Manhattan federal court judge sentenced Walters in July to five years behind bars for devising a six-year insider-trading scheme with onetime Dean Foods Co. Chairman Tom Davis. The judge also fined Walters $10 million. And last month he was ordered to forfeit $25.4 million in ill-gotten gains, Bloomberg reported.
Walters, 71, was due to report to prison Tuesday, according to published reports.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons website on Wednesday listed him …
Read the full article at: http://www.autonews.com/article/20171011/OEM02/171019849/billy-walters-prison-indictment-dealer